
Half a banana

A fashion magazine lists some well-known actress lose weight coup, of which U.S. actress Demi Moore,    brudekjole  in her introduction to breakfast eat a cup of oatmeal, half a banana. I can not help but stop and think about the other half banana where?


Care to guess: the servant (if any) to the master side is filled with half a banana plate, the other half the root causes of the servants enjoy. May also break off both ends to take the essence of only half a banana, and other odd bits of trash can to discard. Final possibility is that the remaining half of the root into the refrigerator until tomorrow to eat, but on second thoughts, this is unlikely, an international movie star, how to care about half a banana?


At a dinner, an entrepreneur friend tells me a story about half a banana. Decades ago, he was only ten years old, still in poor rural areas, that time did not know bananas mass. Time his mother took him to attend a wedding in the county, distant relatives. At the banquet, his life the first time I saw a banana, style yellow moon shape, reveals a seductive scent. Mother stripping a good one for him, handed him, like Pig eat ginseng fruit, like a clean sweep. The mother took a relatives watchful eyes, peel, eat one and then holding a banana if nothing had happened to find water to drink. Throughout the banquet, he indulge in that banana delicious, the other to take second place.


On the way home, the mother suddenly took out his handkerchief from his pocket and meticulous manner, which Flanagan was actually bitten by only a small banana, mother smiling banana handed his hands. Although he is young, but he knows the weight of half a banana, the mother inside relatives with dignity for him to save half a banana, which contains too ... mother in poverty, a strong sense of honor, humble dignity and deep love for him.

He eloquently said: "eat that half a banana, I do not have the first banana delicious,  brudekjole   but will never forget the feeling of it tastes exactly the half of a banana I always bear in mind, work hard."
Similarly, half a banana, the big movie star just in order to eliminate the fat, and my friend changed his life.

