
About puts on clothes matching

Each of us dress style and preferences are different, but the same clothes in different people, and the results vary widely. So to find suitable, the most able to show us the beauty of their own.
There is a saying quite reasonable, men dress re-brand, a woman will have to re-style. So how do you choose your own?
A choice of colors. That the tone of the body should not exceed three, goes too far. Focused, rather than the whole body are ten things. Generally own defect in which part of it should avoid this area is too strong eye color or pattern.
2, the color matching. Each color has to match the color of the conflict with their complementary colors such as orange and blue, because the contrast and conflict, similar to the color of the contrary. Safer use of the same color dress, however, if the opposing color with clever, with the good, it is very amazing eye-catching drop. So it is necessary to understand some basic color knowledge for the dress.
3. Deep. This is a classic mix of color from top to bottom Deep, balanced tone. Of course there are many with only one of the commonly used method, mm, to be will be used o The.
4 ornaments coordination. The ornaments mm Dress integral part of the overall style of dress, and can turn. Society of styles and colors and clothes to match the selection of accessories to spend effort.
The last sentence, thousands and thousands of beautiful things to buy when looking for suitable, otherwise shelved waste yuan. You know, the best!

